Check Out This New 11 Minute Long Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Video

Square Enix REALLY wants Final Fantasy XIII to happen.

The middling reception for Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII-2 wasn’t enough for Square Enix- no, to round out a generation of the most reviled entry in what used to be one of gaming’s premier flagship franchises, Square Enix needs to give us a third game to round off the saga.

To that end, we get Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII.

Admittedly, Final Fantasy XIII-2 was good (and it would have been received so much better by players if it hadn’t followed the incredibly underwhelming Final Fantasy XIII); Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII looks good too, by providing a fast, action take on classic Final Fantasy gameplay, a take that also seems mindful of all the criticisms leveled at the previous two games in the ‘XIII’ saga.

The video above shows us eleven minutes of footage. Unfortunately, for as good as the gameplay looks, the story and characters sound as cringe inducingly bad as always. We’ll see if the final English version fares any better though.

Final FantasyFinal Fantasy XIIIFinal Fantasy XIII-2Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIIISquare Enix