Cloud Imperium’s Star Citizen Will “Likely Not” Support DX10 GPU’s

Bad news for PC gamers without DX11 capabilities.

Star Citizen, as those of you that have been following our coverage of the game probably know, is a very ambitious video game that is being powered by Crytek technology. Cryteck are of course known for their original GPU busting video games.

Soon, you may well be asking “but will it run Star Citizen?”. With the game coming along in leaps and bounds, this fantastic title is being aimed directly at the PC gaming community, but those of you with a beefy rig that doesn’t support DX10 (of which there are still many) might have to upgrade. It’s unlikely that the games minimum specs are likely to drop.

When asked whether or not the lowering of system requirements was a possibility, the answer given was “Likely not. We are creating this game with the PC gamer in mind. Of course performance will be optimized much further than our current version of Arena Commander but I wouldn’t expect that we would drop the system requirements any time soon.”

And whilst DX10 is outdated now, it’s unlikely to be supported, “Additionally on the Direct X 10 front, as almost every engine/rendering we’d like to put in relies heavily on DX11 and even DX12 or Mantle I can’t see DX10 cards even existing much longer. It’s difficult to say, but I don’t expect that the majority of gamers would even have DX10 cards anymore and so for us to continue support it wouldn’t make sense.”


cloud imperiumpcStar Citizen