Cole Train Returning in Gears of War Xbox One?

Lester Speight reveals that he's been contacted to reprise his role.

There’s not much we know about the new Gears of War title after Epic Games sold the IP to Microsoft Games Studios. Aside from the fact that it will be developed by Black Tusk Studios and feature some new gameplay mechanics, Microsoft has been rather secretive about what’s going on with the next game.

But even if it’s a brand new story with a new cast of characters, that doesn’t mean some series favourites won’t return. Lester Speight, who voiced Cole Train throughout the series, tweeted about contacted to play the man again.

“@MistaPeerez: @lesterspeight have you gotten a call about a new gears? You have to reprise your role! #whoobaby’ Yup!”

This isn’t confirmation as such, but it would be great if Black Tusk brought back one of the fan-favourite characters of the series to the fray. What are your thoughts on Cole Train making a return? Let us know in the comments below.

black tusk studiosgears of warmicrosoft games studiosXbox One