Colleen Lachowicz targeted by Republicans for playing World of Warcraft

Terrible behavior.

Are political candidates not eligible to play games? Apparently so, when you look at Colleen Lachowicz, who is a Democratic candidate for Maine’s State Senate. She has come under fire from Republicans who have declared that she is not fit for office due to her hobby of playing online games, more specifically, World of Warcraft.

In fact, I think this is so pathetic that they’ve even created a website to expose her for playing games. You can check it out over here.

Colleen/Santiaga is an orc assassination rogue playing at level 85–the highest level one can attain.  She and the members of her “Wreck List Guild”—Colleen/Santiaga’s WoW online alliance—post comments to each other on liberal online forums including the Daily Kos, where they discuss politics, military policies, and WoW battle tactics.

Lachowicz has reacted obviously and said to NBC News that, “it’s weird that I’m being targeted for playing online games. Apparently I’m in good company since there are 183 million other Americans who also enjoy online games.”

“What’s next? Will I be ostracized for playing Angry Birds or Words with Friends? If so, guilty as charged!”

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Colleen WachowiczpcWorld of Warcraft