Conker’s Bad Fur Day Creator’s Next Game Will be Wii U-Exclusive

The Unlikely Legend of Rusty Pup will be a "2D platformer with depth" according to Chris Seavor.

Chris Seavor, the man responsible for creating Conker’s Bad Fur Day for the Nintendo 64, has confirmed that his next game, The Unlikely Legend of Rusty Pup will be arriving on the Wii U eShop.

Developed by Gory Detail, Seavor stated to Nintendo Life that, “It’s all very much about the story. It’s a very sad tale. It’s not dark as in ‘mature’ — it’s not got swearing in it, or anything like that. It’s quite a serious and adult story, but still a fun and hopefully playable game with lots going on.

“There will be moments of dark humour, but nothing gory.” Seavor also confirmed for us that the game will be gracing both the Wii U and 3DS eShops — the latter of which will surely allow it to exploit its impression of depth to great effect.”

The gameplay will be akin to “a 2D platformer, but with depth to it. You physically move in and out of the screen. It’s also got hints of Lemmings in there. The game has a core gameplay mechanic — and when I say mechanic I mean something you do which will effect something else in the gameworld — which we can’t say because it will give so much away!

“The main reason I’m being secretive is because we don’t know whether it works or not yet and until we’ve tried it properly, we won’t know. It will change. You put a mechanic in and even the simplest mechanic will throw out a thousand different problems.”

eShopGory DetailNintendoThe Unlikely Legend of Rusty Pupwii u