Console FPSs Lack Innovation According To Goldeneye 007 (N64) Director

Modern console First Person Shooters lack innovation- that’s according to the director and producer of the N64 classic FPSs, Goldeneye 007 and Perfect Dark. “I feel that the consoles have lost ground and momentum with FPS since those days,” he told

Nowadays the interesting things that are happening for FPS tend to be for PC, and that has a different culture and it has different styles of gameplay. Different core mechanics and semi-core mechanics.

“The console experience of playing it is very different, very solitary. There’s online, but that’s a kind of solitary. I think that the genre’s moved away from that idea of getting people together in a room, more towards, more of an Xbox experience – I think that’s a great shame.

“I have to admit that when I look at FPS games, I’m always looking for innovation, and I don’t tend to be that excited by what people have done. I wouldn’t go so far as to say it was retrograde, but there’s an awful lot of things that I’ve seen that aren’t really that new.”

We’ll see about that, with the slew of First Person Shooters coming out this year.

Consolefirst person shooterfpsgoldeneye 007N64pcRare