Control games with the power of your mind

The recently unveiled Natal for the Xbox 360 will let gamers control what happens on-screen just by moving their body- but one company is going one step further, allowing you to control games simply with the power of your brain.

Mind control is a concept previously thought impossible, but technology design company Emotiv claim to have designed the worlds first headset that allows you to communicate your thoughts onto a games.

The Emotiv Epoc consists of 14 sensors that read the electrical signals from billions of nerve cells – or neurons – in the brain, which are communicated wirelessly to a computer.

Similar technology has been designed before- electroencephalography (EEG) headsets are used by hospitals to diagnose epilepsy. However the Emotiv Epoc comes at a unique pricepoint, costing only $300. It can also be connected to almost any domestic computer.

The BBC were on hand at the TED Global (Technology Entertainment and Design) conference in Oxford to give the headset a run through.

Thousands of the headsets have already been sold since being released last year for universities and schools, where it has mostly been used for construction applications. However, Emotiv says that it won’t be long until we will be able to play Tetris with our mind.

More through the link.


controlEmotiv Epocmindmotion controlpc