Crytek Does Away With Version Number Labeling On Engine Updates: Reveals New CryEngine

Crytek keeps it simple - engine updates shall be named CryEngine henceforth

Today Crytek announced the release of their next-gen game development tools, but have decided against labeling it CryEngine 4. The studio, who are the developers behind Crysis and Ryse: Son Of Rome, have stated that this, and subsequent updates to their engine will no longer be identified by version number, but will simply be labeled as CryEngine going forward.

Crytek also announced today that their Engine Licensing and Research and Development teams habe unified with hopes of vastly increasing the level of one-to-one case that game licensees can tap into.

In a staement earlier today, Crytek said, “This is in essence offering Crytek’s R&D as a service for developers using the new CryEngine. Since CryEngine 3 was launched in 2009, we’ve dramatically changed the engine so many times, with so many major new features, it’s not the same engine anymore.”

Ryse: Son of Rome will launch in conjunction with the Xbox One, and will give us a good look at what we can expect from the new CryEngine.
