Crytek’s upcoming game for the PlayStation VR, Robinson The Journey will set new graphical benchmark according to Niklas Walenski, Game Designer on the game. In an interview with GamingBolt Walenski boasted the capabilities of the CryEngine and how it will push the PSVR to its limits.
“As Crytek we are known for the graphics quality we can achieve with CryEngine, and like on every platform we are doing our best to push the graphics on PSVR to its limits. We want to set a benchmark on this new platform,” Walenski said to GamingBolt.
Furthermore, he also thinks that the PSVR will be highly accessible given that people who already own the PS4 only need to buy the VR headset.
“PSVR definitely has an advantage when it comes to accessibility, since people will only need to buy a PlayStation 4 to use the headset. However, it is also the last of the major three headsets to be released this year, so the Rift and the Vive will already have a user base. In the end the software available on each platform will determine its success, and it is hard to judge that right now.”
Robinson The Journey is expected to launch later this year.