Custom Models, Multiplayer Support Coming to Dying Light Developer Tools

Even more powerful tools at your disposal.

Modding remains a crucial part of PC gaming, and one that more and more PC game developers are eager to support. After some confusion, Dying Light has seen a vibrant and thriving modding community grow on PC, and the developers, Techland, plan on continuing to support this community by providing even more powerful tools to them, via updates to the modkit.

The Dying Light Developer Tools will, in coming updates, get terrain creation and editing, importing custom models and multiplayer support. Players can then, of course, share their creations with other players via Steam Workshop.

You can check out all the updates that Techland has planned for the Developer Tools in the video above, where they highlight their plans for the future of the suite. It appears that this is one game, at the very least, where the modders will be very happy.

Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage and information.

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