Dying Light continues to be held in high regard more than 10 years since its release, and this feature explores why that is the case.
In addition to games, the company is also eyeing "new board games, exclusive merchandise, original webcomic series, and more."
The zombie-slaying franchise is also celebrating its 10th anniversary, with Dying Light: The Beast due out for PC and consoles this year.
A new trailer showcases Dying Light: The Beast's main antagonist, the Baron, who is described as "the biggest threat Kyle Crane has ever faced".
The standalone sequel, starring Dying Light 1 protagonist Kyle Crane, is in development for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC, but doesn't yet have a release date.
Four modes are available for PS5 Pro players, from native 4K/30 FPS to upscaled 4K with 120 frames per second courtesy of VRR.
Franchise director Tymon Smektala speaks with GamingBolt about Dying Light's upcoming standalone adventure.
"We already had our first attempt at this by adding some improvements to Dying Light 2 Stay Human but for Dying Light: The Beast we definitely want to take it much, much further," says franchise direc...
"With more aggressive zombies, with the intense atmosphere, with the immersive visuals - players will really need to be cautious, resourceful, and strategic to survive," says franchise director Tymon ...
"There’s a strong emphasis on environmental storytelling, with secrets, hidden paths, and lore woven into the landscape, each part of the map handcrafted by our artists.," says Dying Light franchise...
Series' franchise director Tymon Smektała says the technology can "allow developers to focus slightly less on performance and have bigger creative liberty."
Players who already own the Ultimate Edition for Dying Light 2 Stay Human will be unaffected by this change.
Touted as a 20-hour standalone experience, Dying Light: The Beast is in development for PC, PlayStation, and Xbox.
The night-time across all difficulties has seen nerfs to Volatiles and Spitters, and over 70 scenes and dialogues are improved.
Nightmare Mode introduces level 5 Tyrant chases, flashlights dimming and cutting out with continuous use, and Legend Level XP loss on death.
"All of it is a matter of managing priorities, resources, and real value of various features," says franchise director Tymon Smektala.
It coincides with the launch of the Firearms Update and includes the base game, the Bloody Ties DLC and all previous updates.
The new Holiday-themed event puts players in charge of rescuing stolen presents from Naughty Infected.
The new event in Dying Light 2 Stay Human, live until December 2, brings For Honor characters in as new enemies to fight.
New co-op missions, a Tower Raid, weapon repair, Knives, Polearms, firearms and much more are coming this Fall and Winter.