Daemon X Machina Gets Helpful Overview Trailer Upon Game’s Release

Get a quick look over the lore and concepts of the mech title.

There’s a lot of reasons why the mecha genre never caught on in America like it did in Japan. One much reason I suspect is that it can often be quite overwhelming. Not just in their stories (though it often can be at that, for sure), but in how they play, which tend to be a heavy and involved experience. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Daemon X Machina probably won’t be the game to change that, but today we did get a very helpful overview trailer next to the game’s release.

The trailer breaks down the game’s story, combat, progression and game modes. It also helps to discuss some of the game’s lore that I suspect will probably clear up some confusion about what is actually going on in the game. Check it out below.

Daemon X Machina is available now on Nintendo Switch. You can also play the Prologue Demo to get a taste of how you’ll feel about the game, and all progress made there will carry over to the main game when you purchase it.

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