Dark Souls 3 Showcased at E3 2015, Releasing Early 2016

Praise the sun one more time.

The last place you’d expect Bandai Namco and From Software to announce Dark Souls 3 would be at a Microsoft conference, especially considering how tight the developer and Sony were with Bloodborne. But that’s exactly what happened as a new cinematic trailer for the game was revealed.

There wasn’t any gameplay showcased though the overall world that players would explore was seen in brief flashes. A giant, faceless giant was showcased at the end and honestly, if that’s a boss battle, we’re already terrified. Will it be under the direction of Dark Souls 2’s director due or will Hidetaka Miyazaki of Bloodborne fame be back on board? It’s too early to tell but we sure hope it’s the latter.

Dark Souls 3 will be out in early 2016 for Xbox One and we assume PS4 and PC. what are your thoughts on the cinematic trailer showcased at E3 2015? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and stay tuned for more information.

dark souls 3e3 2015From SoftwareNamco BandaiXbox One