Dark Souls Trilogy Could Be Coming To Nintendo Switch- Rumor

Prepare to die (on the go).

Laura Kate of Let’s Play Video Games has an exemplary track record with leaking details about the Nintendo Switch- she has so far managed to leak everything about the system including its form factors, specs, games, and more, over the last few months. So when she says something, no matter how unlikely, we sit up and take notice.

Which is why we are so excited at her latest post on LPVG– Kate is reporting that From Software are bringing Dark Souls, the entire trilogy, over to the Nintendo Switch. In fact, the games are already running on the system at an acceptable level, and From are now just considering whether Switch ports are financially viable or sensible.

Given that From Software are one of Nintendo’s third party partners on the Switch, this is not an unbelievable rumor. And this would be another great statement of intent by Nintendo, that they plan on having major third party games on their system this time around. And for us, as players? Well, we get the chance of playing Skyrim, Zelda, and all three Dark Souls games on the Switch, on the go. What’s not to like about that?

bandai namcoDark SoulsDark Souls 2dark souls 3From Softwarenintendo switch