15 single player games that impressed you after the first playthrough.
One way or another, these games provoked strong reactions.
Multiplayer will no longer be available following the servers' shutdown, but players will, of course, still be able to play solo.
Ice levels can be a lot of fun, but these 15 levels are anything but.
More details regarding the recent major Dark Souls exploit have been disclosed by one of the people behind its initial discovery.
Because why not?
The list of 38 Steam Deck Verified games so far also includes the likes of Hollow Knight, Psychonauts 2, Scarlet Nexus, and several more.
A game doesn't have to be out-and-out horror to scare the crap out of you.
Here are 14 boss fights that are only available to the most eagle-eyed and dedicated of players.
These bosses may look dangerous, although those applying a bit of creativity in their approach will be able to defeat them with relative ease.
Even the most eagle-eyed players can walk right into these.
FromSoftware's RPG series continue to revel in its global success.
You'll need all the preparation in the world to stand a chance against these bosses.
Need some easy accomplishments for doing virtually nothing? We've got you covered.
Just when you least expected it, these bosses emerged to challenge you.
Stop hitting the damn cuccos, Link.
Be it a love and hate relationship or unbridled passion, these games consumed many lives over the years.
Hard to narrow it down to just thirty.
Like finding an oasis in the desert, these checkpoints stretched credulity.
FromSoftware's latest is adorned with secrets, even if some are tougher to find than others.