David Cage says games need to grow up

David Cage has once again commented on the state of the gaming industry and has mentioned that games need to grow up.


Are you sick of shooters, zombies and so on? Then you will probably agree with what David Cage has to say here. He told Gamasutra that games need to grow up, and escape from its ‘Peter Pan Syndrome’.

“I think we should have more courage in our industry and take more risks, because I think this is what the industry needs now. I mean, how many first person shooters can you make? How many monsters/aliens/zombies can you kill in games? … We need to grow up,” he said.

“I often think that the industry suffers of the Peter Pan syndrome. It’s the fact that we don’t want to grow up, so we stay kids. But there is a moment where you need to grow up as an industry. And you cannot keep up with the Peter Pan syndrome. You need to grow. And I think this is the right time.”

His latest game for the PS3 called Beyond: Two Souls comes out next year. Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

Thanks, CVG.

Beyond: Two Soulsps3Quantic Dream