Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Free Version Announced for Japan

The freemium release will allow for online and offline play, but with some restrictions.

In what could possibly qualify as a first, Team Ninja and Tecmo Koei have announced that there will be a freemium version of the upcoming Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate. It will release on the PlayStation Network in Japan, with a full retail release set for September 5th.

The freemium version essentially provides four playable characters – Kasumi, Ayane, Hayate and Hayabusa – with offline and online fighting modes (even the costumes and stages, with the exception of DLC content, are all available).

Only Story Mode is missing, and it can be purchased for $15 (1500 yen). You can fight against all the characters in the game, but only have access to those available from the start or ones you pay for.

Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Free will be compatible with available DLC though, and you’ll be able to play against people who have the full retail release. Those interested in picking up characters can pay $4 (400 yen) a piece. Despite only a PS3 version being announced, an Xbox 360 version is also being looked into.

Source: Famitsu

Dead or Alive 5 Ultimatefreemiumps3PSNTeam Ninjatecmo-koei