Deadpool Coming to PS4 and Xbox One

Deadpool making the jump to the current gen.

Activision announced today that Deadpool, the game based on the classic Marvel character will be making the jump to current generation systems when it launches for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in November. Both versions will sell for a reduced $49.99 price.

Deadpool represents Activision’s second go at remastering an existing game for the current generation consoles- their last attempt was the Prototype series, where the remasters were blasted for being just repackaged versions of previous games, with minimal improvements (if any).

The game will also include the Wolverine DLC in the package, as well as all other DLC that was released for the game.

Deadpool was considered to be a reasonably good adaptation of the character back when it launched originally; while it’s definitely not all that the character can offer, now is as good a time as any to bring the game back to the limelight, what with the movie coming up.

Stay tuned for more coverage.

activisionDeadPoolps4Xbox One