Deep Silver drop anchor with Risen 2 Facebook treasure hunt

Today Deep Silver announced the release of a Risen 2 Treasures app into the murky waters of Facebook, allowing buccaneers and first mates alike to set sail on the Southern Seas, submerging themselves in the world of Risen 2.

Any sailor worth their salt can recruit a crew of Facebook friends, commandeer a sea-faring vessel to find the the legendary treasure of pirate captains past.

On their voyage players can amass a wealth of booty, facing all manner of trials and adventures that await them. Whilst you can’t plunder any real life doubloons or treasure chests buried beneath conspicuous X’s, one lucky crew can find the greatest treasure of all, a sailing trip to the Caribbean for the whole crew.

Earlier this month we awarded Risen 2 a hearty 7.5/10, read the full review here.

You can find the app here, on the Risen 2 Facebook page.

Why are pirates pirates? Because they ARRRR.

Deep SilverfacebookPiratesRisen 2