Denuvo Anti-Cheat Tech Is Now Being Offered To Publishers And Developers For PS5

The controversial software could be coming to Sony's latest system.

For several years now, Denuvo has been a name that has seen a lot of mixed opinion from PC players. Their tech has been utilized in multiple major releases and is aimed at either stopping software tampering or cheating. How effective that has been, and what it’s sacrificed is a big debate, but it seems as if they are now aiming for the console space, specifically Sony’s latest box. 

As reported by VGC, the company issued press release to say that Denuvo Anti-Cheat is now being offered to publishers and developers for the PS5 through the Tools and Middleware program. In it they claim that any gameplay experience impact to actual players will be minimal and that it will help stop cheating in the key launch period of a game. It’s worth keeping in mind that this is different than Denuvo’s Anti-Tamper tech that is often seen in PC titles that seems to cause the most controversy. But the Anti-Cheat version has had its issues in the past as well.

It’s hard to say how they will work out and what the implementation of this would look like on a console. The common criticisms aimed at Denuvo is that it often impacts performance in a game, more so Anti-Tamper than Anti-Cheat, but that claim has been levied against both. 

