Destiny Age of Triumph Live-Stream: Watch The Sandbox Reveal Here

Find out how the sandbox will be changing.

Bungie will be hosting its third and final live-stream for Destiny’s next live event Age of Triumph. You can watch it on Twitch when the stream starts at 10 AM PST.

Guests on the stream include artist Ian McIntosh, senior designer Josh Hamrick and community manager David “DeeJ” Dague. The stream will go over the sandbox updates coming with the next event, including how elemental primaries (such as those found in Vault of Glass and Crota’s End) will work. We may also get a look at the new Raid ornaments judging by the recent teaser that was released.

Age of Triumph will be the final live event for Destiny and sees Vault of Glass and Crota’s End, Year One raids heavily requested by fans, returning at 390 Light level. They will contain new rewards and a few surprises but that’s not all. Prison of Elders and King’s Fall will also be end game-viable while Trials of Osiris will see changes to its bounty system.

Age of Triumph will go live on March 28th for Xbox One and PS4.

Watch live video from Bungie on

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