Destiny Weekly Reset: Daybreak Nightfall, Heroic Modifiers and More

Mayhem modifier comes to Nightfall.

With the weekly reset only taking place after Age of Triumph began for Bungie’s Destiny, many activities have finally been updated and are open for access.

The Nightfall is the updated Shadow Thief with a SIVA-infested Taniks. However, this will be the first Daybreak Nightfall for Destiny which means abilities and Supers recharge much faster. Void Burn, Arc Burn, Solar Burn and Ironclad (enemies have more shields) are also active so be careful.

The new Story mission playlist is also live, offering the ability to earn one Treasure of the Ages for the week and up to 100 Legendary Marks. It currently features missions from Earth and the Moon with Juggler and Specialist as modifiers. The Weekly Heroic playlist for this week has Heroic, Arc Burn, Specialist and Juggler as modifiers.

Finally, the featured Weekly Raid is Crota’s End. Both challenges – Deathsinger and Crota – are currently active and offer a chance at new Adept raid weapons and Ornaments.

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