Destiny Weekly Reset: Taniks Perfected Nightfall, Arc Burn Heroic Strikes and More

Much of the same for one more week.

The weekly reset has come and gone for Bungie’s Destiny. This means that many established missions now have differing modifiers depending on the playlist you choose.

The Nightfall this week is Taniks Perfected, a modified version of the House of Wolves Strike which features a SIVA-fied boss and enemies. Modifiers include Epic, Fresh Troops (additional enemies for each squad), Match Game (enemy shields are resistant to unmatched Elemental damage), Catapult (grenade recharge rate increased) and Exposure (more Guardian shields but slower regeneration time).

The SIVA Crisis Heroic playlist comes with Heroic, Arc Burn, Chaff (no radar) and Catapult. For Wrath of the Machine raiders, Vosik is the Challenge mode this week. For more information on bounties, which faction is exchanging which material for reputation and so on, head here.

Bungie will have a final live-stream tomorrow for the Age of Triumph event arriving on March 28th. We’ll learn how Elemental primaries will work, see new Raid ornaments and much more so stay tuned.

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