A problem with any multiplayer title with numerous playlists is longevity. If the game has been out for years, it can be difficult to find matches in a particular mode. This also tends to split the population, leading to lag in other modes as the game attempts to match you with just about anyone.
Certain games like Overwatch have solutions like consolidating many of the team modes into Quick Play but Bungie’s Destiny has been suffering from too many playlists. That’s set to change at some point. According to a Bungie Crucible designer on Reddit, “The number of active Crucible playlists is being reduced from 12 to 6. Classic playlists are being removed and players who do not own Rise of Iron will only be able to play in the Weekly Featured playlist.
“Core playlists will rotate each week to ensure major modes are given adequate uptime. For example, the 6v6 modes available one week may be Control and Supremacy, while those will rotate to Clash and Rift the next week. Both of Shaxx Weekly bounties will align with what is being offered each week. You can expect more details on the playlist changes and updates to Crucible and Trials bounties in the patch notes!”
While this will invariably lead to modes that players don’t want to PvP in (like Rift), it will at least help out the game’s dwindling PvP population before Destiny 2 arrives. Stay tuned for more information on when this change will go live as Age of Triumph, Destiny’s final live event, arrives on March 28th.