Detroit: Become Human Described as “Neo Noir Thriller”, E3 Scene Has Six Different Endings

Quantic Dream's adventure relies heavily on player decisions to shape its narrative.

Quantic Dream’s Detroit: Become Human is beginning to take shape and we like what we see thus far. Creative director David Cage talked to Geoff Keighley on YouTube Live about the “neo noir thriller” and how players’ decisions ultimately impact the experience.

While gameplay has been described as “very usual”, how you interact with the world influences how the story is told, since it’s ultimately defined by you decisions. Quantic Dream wants Detroit: Become Human wants the entire game to be influenced by player decisions and will offer different characters and points of view to accomplish that. Not only will you see different endings but you’ll embark on different paths with different results. The characters’ tales begin in parallel and ultimately make for a larger narrative.

Speaking of multiple endings, that scene showcased at E3? That’s the first scene in the game and it has six endings besides creating consequences that will impact the entire game. Quantic also described Connor, the new character, as a hunter of deviant androids in a future where androids are slowly developing feelings.

Detroit: Become Human doesn’t have a release date but it’s coming together nicely. Stay tuned for more information on it in the coming months.

Detroit: Become Humanps4sony