Detroit: Become Human Gets Three New Trailers, Showcasing Markus, Kara, and Connor

That’s a lot of new media for you if you’re excited for the game.

Quantic Dream and David Cage’s Detroit: Become Human is due out later this year, in May. And it is definitely an intriguing game on many fronts: mechanically, it looks like it is going to be expanded over what David Cage’s previous titles have done, while narratively, it looks like it is trying to touch up on some sensitive subjects (although it is also clear it is doing so very heavy handedly, unfortunately). Then, of course, there’s the whole controversy Quantic Dream is involved in, but that’s a discussion for another time.

Anyway, if you are looking forward to the game, you will be pretty happy, because today, we got not one, not two, but three brand new trailers for it. They are focused on Markus, Kara, and Connor- so you get more of an insight on each of those characters.

Detroit: Become Human is due out exclusively on the PS4 on May 25. You can check out the three trailers for yourself below.

Detroit: Become Humanps4Quantic Dreamsony