Detroit: Become Human, Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls Being Bundled Together for $40

The Quantic Dream Collection bundles together three excellent interactive stories for a very reasonable price.

Quantic Dream, led by David Cage, have delivered some truly ambitious interactive stories for the PlayStation family of consoles over the years, and for those who haven’t taken the chance to try them out so far, Sony has presented an excellent opportunity to do just that.

The Quantic Dream Collection can be purchased on the PlayStation Store in North America, and it bundles together all three of the games the French studio has made under Sony exclusively for PlayStation- Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, and Detroit: Become Human. Best of all, the collection is priced at the very, very reasonable price of just $39.99.

Heavy Rain is considered by many to be one of the greatest PlayStation 3 games, and though Beyond: Two Souls is not quite as good as that, it’s still a very solid game with some very high production values. Both games originally launched on the PS3, but were later remastered and brought over to the PS4.

Then there’s Detroit: Become Human, Quantic Dream’s latest, which only launched on the PS4 earlier this year, and was met with great critical acclaim for its setting, visuals, acting performances, and the wide range of its branching storyline. All three games are well worth experience, and put together for a price of just $40, they’re pretty much unmissable.

Beyond: Two SoulsDetroit: Become HumanHeavy Rainps4Quantic Dreamsonythe quantic dream collection