Detroit: Become Human Launch Trailer is Packed With Drama

Three androids with vastly differing circumstances collide in Detroit.

It’s not easy being a citizen in futuristic Detroit, forget being an android that’s suddenly gained sentience. For Kara, Connor and Markus, finding ways to survive while discovering their reason for existence forms the crux of Detroit: Become Human’s story. Check out the game’s launch trailer to see what wholesome antics our playable cast stumbles into.

Kara’s journey seems focused around taking care of Alice, a child in an abusive household. Connor is a special android that seeks to assist an investigator. Markus was previously “enslaved” but gained sentience and decided to rally other androids to his cause.

Depending on the choices made by players through the campaign, each character’s story can end up different. Thankfully, you can review choices made and how things would turn out differently in subsequent playthroughs. Detroit: Become Human is out on May 25th for PlayStation 4. The demo is currently free on the PlayStation Store and features Connor in a tense, hostage situation so check it out today.

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