Detroit: Become Human Potential DLC/Sequel Discussed, David Cage Wants To Make A Multiplayer Game Next

"We enjoyed working on Detroit a lot, and there are many exciting stories that could be told in this world for sure.”

The founder of Quantic Dream, Writer and Director on the new Detroit: Become Human and the inventor of in-game emotions and polygons, David Cage participated on a Reddit AMA session to reply to questions from fans within the community, including where he hopes to go next.

While Cage was quick to state that he and Quantic Dream, the right idea for the characters of Detroit: Become Human could possibly lead to DLC or a full sequel. The ideas, passion and excitement just need to be there. Cage wrote full backstories for almost all of the characters in the game, and could easily use those skeletons to work on some kind of follow up content.

“We will work on a sequel if we feel we have ideas, passion and excitement to do it, and if we feel we have something more to say about this world. We have a lot of respect for our fans, and we never wanted to do sequels just for the sake of making easy money. We are driven by passion more than anything, although it is not always something reasonable… but we enjoyed working on Detroit a lot, and there are many exciting stories that could be told in this world for sure.”

“There are so many characters in the game that could have a DLC about their backstories that it may be difficult to choose one… Actually, I wrote backstories for almost all the characters in the game, so I have a pretty good idea of what happened to them before the game started… But between people wanting an investigation about Connor, a full sequel and DLC about all characters, we will need to make a choice,” he stated.

Quantic Dream’s 3 game contract with Sony now fulfilled, they could feasibly shop around for their next idea. One that Cage himself floated during the AMA was a narrative based multiplayer game, provided he can get a publisher to fund it. “There are some creative and technical challenges to overcome and you need the right story to tell, but this is something very exciting…,” said Cage.

Detroit: Become Humanps4Quantic Dreamsony