Quantic Dream’s Detroit: Become Human is slowly but surely making progress. In fact, it’s set to release in Spring 2018, adding to Sony’s packed line-up which will include Ni no Kuni 2 in the opening months of next year.
n the meantime, you can enjoy – or rather stomach – the newest trailer for Detroit: Become Human which highlights some of the more disturbing situations that arise. Kara is essentially faced with an abusive father and his innocent daughter Alice. Acting as their maid, Kara must do what’s necessary to protect Alice.
Then again, Kara can also stand by and do nothing, resulting in Alice paying the ultimate price. It’s all up to the player, the decisions they make the possible ramifications of these decisions. Detroit: Become Human is exclusive to PS4 and comes from the mind of David Cage (who also brought us Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls).