Deus Ex Prosthetic Hands in Development by Square Enix and Open Bionics

"Affordable bionic hands" planned for 2017 release.

Square Enix is working to bring Deus Ex into the human world, sort of. It recently announced that it’s partnering with Open Bionics to create prosthetic hands similar to those seen in the games. Open Bionics has garnered plenty of recognition in the past for its prosthetics and their low cost.

Targetting a 2017 release, the goal is to “design, 3D print, scan, power, and create affordable bionic hands” in order to “make fashionable robotic prosthesis accessible to a larger audience”. Razer will also be implementing an augmented reality camera for upcoming events like E3 and GamesCom to offer the opportunity for people to try the prosthetic arms for themselves. You can check out the trailer below to learn more about the arms.

Other Deus Ex information includes the reveal of Breach Mode for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. It’s essentially an arcade shooter of sorts within a virtual realm with its own upgrades and mechanics.

Deus Ex: Mankind DividedOpen BionicsSquare Enix