Digimon Survive Announced for Nintendo Switch and PS4, Will Be A Strategy RPG

Blending turn based strategy gameplay with a point and click style on field.

Bandai Namco has finally announced a brand new Digimon game. It will be called Digimon Survive, and unlike the past few entries in the series, it will be a strategy turn based RPG (not unlike Valkyria Chronicles or Fire Emblem), with grid based battles in that vein. Battle actions will be governed by “Energy” as the limiting resource.

There’s more- Digimon Survive will have 2D portraits for conversations, with conversations themselves presenting the players with choices. These choices could change not only the course of the story, but even the Digimon evolutions that are available to them. On the field, it seems like the game will rely on a point and click style investigation and interaction with the world- so this blend of gameplay styles almost reminds me of The Banner Saga. You will be playing an eighth grader, and will get the ever popular Agumon as your starting Digimon.

Digimon Evolution is slated for a 2019 launch, and it will be coming to Nintendo Switch and PS4. For now, these details, courtesy of Ryokutya, are all we have.

bandai namcodigimon survivenintendo switchps4