DNF Duel Won’t Support Rollback Netcode on the Nintendo Switch

The fighter's upcoming Nintendo Switch version will instead support delay-based netcode, Nexon has confirmed.

A fighting game’s connectivity setup can make or break the entire experience, given how multiplayer-centric most of them tend to be, so the newest details coming out on DNF Duel’s upcoming Nintendo Switch version might raise a few concerns for some players, to say the least.

Nexon confirmed in December that the Arc System Works-developed 2D fighter would be making its way to the Nintendo Switch in April, and now, it has revealed in an FAQ on the game’s official product page that on Nintendo’s platform, it won’t support rollback netcode, unlike its other versions. Instead, it’ll support delay-based network, which, in essence, means it’ll likely become much more prone to input delays and connectivity issues when being played online.

Meanwhile, Nexon also confirms that unlike the fighter’s PlayStation versions, it won’t support cross-play on Nintendo Switch.

DNF Duel is currently available on PS5, PS4, and PC, and launches for Nintendo Switch on April 20. Check out details on its season roadmap for upcoming content through here.

Arc System WorksDNF DuelEightingNeopleNexonnintendo switch