Dragon Quest 11 Screenshots Compare And Contrast PS4 And 3DS Versions

Some character details also revealed.

Earlier this week, Square Enix released a rather large swath of screenshots for Dragon Quest 11 and while some of them shed some light on the characters you’ll meet in the game, they also show the graphical changes that have come for the PS4 version when compared to the 3DS version of the game. Earlier this month we learned that the world inside the game is going to be quite large and now we have a bit of info about who will be traveling that world.

We know that the central figure in the game is a 16-year-old young man living in the quiet Ishi Village. When he’s going through his coming of age ceremony, it turns out he realized that he’s the reincarnation of an ancient hero. Another central character named is Ema who is a childhood friend of the hero.

We’ll likely get more info about these characters and more as we get closer to the Dragon Quest 11 release. In the meantime, check out the photos below, with the PS4 version clearly sharper and better looking than the 3DS version.

Thanks, DualShockers.

Dragon Quest 11Nintendo 3DSnintendo switchps4Square Enix