Dragon Quest Heroes Is Coming to the West But Only On The PS4

The Dragon Quest embargo is broken.

The wonderful looking Dragon Quest Heroes, the Dynasty Warriors inspired Dragon Quest action RPG spin off, was announced for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 in Japan, and a lot of people immediately assumed that the game would not be coming to the west; there was good reason to assume so too, since the west has not seen a Dragon Quest game released since Dragon Quest VI launched on the Nintendo DS without making much of a splash five years ago. In the period since then, we’ve had multiple high profile Dragon Quest related launches, including a full remake of Dragon Quest VII for the Nintendo 3DS, and Dragon Quest X for the PC, Wii, Wii U, and Nintendo 3DS, that Square Enix have decided to pass over.

That embargo ends now, as today, Square confirmed that Dragon Quest Heroes would in fact be coming to the west after all. The catch? Only the PlayStation 4 version is coming, so PS3 fans who may have been looking forward to the game are out of luck.

Dragon Quest Heroes launches in Japan this week, and a worldwide launch is presumed to follow later this year. Stay tuned.

dragon quest heroesps4Square Enix