Dragon Quest X Sells 1 Million Copies

Square Enix's newest MMO is a success.

Square Enix sure like to take chances with their established brands, don’t they? After making mainline, numbered entries in the Final Fantasy series (XI and XIV/XIV: A Realm Reborn respectively) MMORPGs, they also decided to make Dragon Quest X, the newest title in a series traditionally highly conservative in its adherence to JRPG design principles, an MMO.

The move seems to have paid off for them- the game, which has released only in Japan, exclusively on Wii and Wii U (also known as a platform that doesn’t move online software and a platform that doesn’t move software period) has sold a million copies already. This is before the PC version has even released.

The game still does not have a western release announced, though the existence of the PC version makes it slightly more likely that it will eventually come over; in the meanwhile, Japan is almost certainly gearing up for a new numbered Dragon Quest game now. Maybe on that 3DS…

Dragon Quest XSquare EnixWiiwii u