Dreams Early Access – First Update Will Add New Assets, Templates

Media Molecule is also exploring options for other non-motion control schemes.

Media Molecule’s Dreams is currently in early access, with players creating some pretty interesting experiences with the tools available. The sandbox title will be getting even bigger in May though. Media Molecule has announced that the first major update for Dreams is out later this month.

The update will include new assets for creators, an increased level cap, additional tutorials and templates, and social features like being blocking other players. Speaking to Game Informer, the developer also noted that it was working on non-motion control options as well (DualShock 4 and PlayStation Move are currently the only solutions). That could mean support for keyboard and mouse down the line.

Senior designer Jon Beech stated, “For us accessibility is really important and that includes accessibility for people who have difficulty using motion controls, so things like mouse and keyboard help with that. So yeah, anything can happen in regards to [accessibility]. For us it’s just a matter of prioritizing motion-free control that uses the PS4 and then later down the road we can look into possible mouse and keyboard support.”

Dreams has been in early access since April 16th for PS4. The creation title has been in development for quite while – nearly seven years at this point. It was even rebooted twice during that time, though publisher Sony was helpful in providing “a lot of rope” for the studio to bring its vision to life.

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