Dreams Stream Announced for December 18 by Media Molecule

Please be the announcement of the beta.

Dreams has a beta that is scheduled to come by the end of the year, a fact that developer Media Molecule reiterated as recently as last week. However, with December more than halfway done, time is rapidly running out for this elusive beta to actually launch before the deadline.

However, it may be about to happen, at last: Media Molecule today has announced, with their tongue firmly in cheek, a “totally normal Dreams stream” for tomorrow, December 18 at 5pm GMT. I have to assume—I have to hope—that this is it, this is where they will share details, including the final launch time, for the beta at last. If we are lucky, the beta will begin right after the stream, and we will be able to see Media Molecule’s magnum opus, worked on for so long now, in action for ourselves at long last.

Whatever the news is, at least there is some news to share for this game. Let’s hope it’s of the good kind, and not the bad inclination. Dreams will launch exclusively for PS4, presumably sometime next year.

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