DriveClub VR Could Still Be Coming Despite Studio Closure


When Sony closed down Evolution Studios earlier this year, it came as a great shock to everybody- especially since the studio had, only months earlier, announced a high profile project for Sony’s upcoming PlayStation VR. But while Evolution Studios made sure to talk about DriveClub‘s new custodians as they were being shuttered, the fate of DriveClub VR was never made clear.

Now, it seems as though its fate may be to release after all, in spite of Evolution’s closure. A rating for the game has appeared on the website of the North American ratings board, the ESRB– and since submissions for ratings are only made for games that are slated to be launched at some point, it seems clear that Sony may be releasing DriveClub VR in the end after all.

Is this because the game was completed before Evolution was shuttered? Did Sony get one of their other studios to finish it up? Will they just be releasing it in an unfinished state? Is it possible they just wasted money on a submission to a ratings board for a game they don’t intend to release.

We don’t have the answers- however, hopefully, DriveClub VR does release for the PSVR, as a final monument to Evolution’s brilliance.

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