Dust 514 Developer Diary, New Screenshots Explore Vehicles

The multiplayer shooter is currently in closed beta for PS3.

CCP’s Dust 514 had an interesting beginning as a massively multiplayer shooter for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. However, development has since shifted full-time to Sony’s console, and the game is currently in closed beta. Has time dulled its appeal?

We think not, as a new developer diary has vehicle game designer Ryan Thorton of CCP Blam talking about the game’s vehicles. This includes vehicle fittings, specialized vehicles and some of his favourite drop-ship features.

Thorton also gives some insight into how players are using vehicles in the beta along with tips on how outfox them and bring the pain.

Of course, a new bevy of screenshots has also been released showing the vehicles in various scenarios. Not to mention full-scale war in progress but that’s another matter. Tanks, drop-shops, Warthog-like machine gun-mounted vehicles – and that’s only a taste of the total amount of artillery within the game.

Check out the developer diary below:

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