E3 2011: Prototype 2 Video Interview

I also got to see Prototype 2 among many other games at E3 and here is an interview for you with the Vice President of Radical Entertainment.  The pre-alpha build looked great at where it was already first off, but the most impressing thinks I noticed about Prototype 2 was that is seems like they have expanded on many of the moves on top of adding new ones.  What I mean by that is, every attack obviously more so the big ones that you cannot just run around spamming, looked so over the top.  As I mentioned, the navigation system to get around the city in the first and second game, was great in my opinion as far as being very easy as well as flowing.  I definitely look forward to the return of those controls as well as a new story and characters to boot.

E3 2011Prototype 2Radical Entertainment