EA Executive VP: “Games Retail Will be Abandoned in 10 Years”

If the success of Steam has proven anything, it’s that gamers don’t mind ponying up for digital content. For that matter, they have the means to access and enjoy it more than when the service first launched.

EA executive vice president Patrick Soderlund feels strongly about downloadable games, and feels it will become the norm in less than a decade.

In conversation with CVG, he stated, “We know that packaged goods work today, and the majority of our current revenue comes from that. That’s still a viable business model. But in the long term we’ll see more and more people gravitate to downloaded content.”

He also stated that they day when physical games retail will be abandoned “is going to be sooner than people think. I think it’s going to be sooner than ten years.”

It’s all his own opinion, of course, and may not necessarily reflect the words of EA’s head honchos.

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