EA Outlines Next Origin Update, Twitch Broadcasting and Adding Non-Origin Games

Twitch broadcasting, non-Origin games and more.

It’s safe to say that there are still ways to go, before Origin is considered as a force in the digital distribution market arena.  EA obviously has a lot of hard work to do and it may take ages before they even get close to Steam. But they are trying.

EA has announced that a couple of updates are coming to Origin. One of them is Twitch broadcasting. This is a pretty neat feature and will help enthusiast video gamers to broadcast their gameplay sessions.

Apparently, the set is pretty straightforward. You will need a Twitch account for the same.

“To start broadcasting, just start playing a game, then bring up Origin In Game by hitting Shift+F1 (or whatever keystroke you’ve chosen for your Origin In Game Hotkey). You’ll notice a camera icon has been added to the bottom of this screen,” the blog explains.

Another feature is the ability to add non-Origin games to the platform. You can now add, broadcast and launch games that were purchased outside of Origin from a single convenient location.

Other than that, EA have also pushed a few performance upgrades. The friends list and overall client loads times have been reduced.

The update will go live in the coming days.
