EA Sports UFC 3 Revealed In New Trailer

Launching in February on PS4 and Xbox One.

The most underrated EA Sports franchise is EA Sports UFC, which doesn’t get annualized, doesn’t get bogged down with needless microtransactions, and also actually ends up playing decently well, too. Thankfully, we’ll be getting a new one- EA has confirmed EA Sports UFC 3, and shared a brand new reveal trailer for it, too.

The MMA fighter is due to launch on February 24 next year- which is actually just a few months away from its reveal, to EA’s credit- and will be, as with the previous two games, available only on Xbox One and PS4. If you own a Switch, or even a PC, it seems like you are out of luck on this one (unless you also own a PS4 or Xbox One, of course).

Make sure to check out the trailer for the new game for yourself below. I’m not even that interested in MMA fighting, and I think it looks cool.

EAEA SportsEA Sports UFC 3ps4Xbox One