EA Sports UFC Is Coming to EA Access

EA promised it would be adding new games to the service soon, fter all.

Though it might seem like it in recent weeks, EA hasn’t forgotten about its EA Access service. You want proof, you say? Well, EA will be bringing its divisive EA Sports UFC to the service next week, they announced today. The game will become the seventh game to enter the Vault on December 18, and the entire game will become playable to anyone who is subscribed to the service, including all multiplayer and online modes, like all other games in the Vault.

The other sic games offered in the EA Access Vault are Plants vs Zombies 2: Garden Warfare, Battlefield 4, FIFA 14, Madden 25, Need for Speed: Rivals, and Peggle 2.

EA Access is currently only available on Xbox Live on Xbox One for a very reasonable and cheap price; EA took the proposition for the service to Sony as well, but for unknown reasons, Sony rejected the idea, probably because they suspected it would compete with their own PS Now service.

EA AccessEA SportsEA Sports UFCXbox LiveXbox One