EA Wants To Publish Portal 2

EA are now in talks with Valve regarding the publishing rights for Portal 2.

EA have previously published Valve games such as Half Life 2: GOTY, Counter-Strike and The Orange Box.

“We’re still talking about it,” said EA Partners boss David DeMartini during an interview with Eurogamer.

“The interesting thing with Valve is they always make great games. They ship them exactly when they’re going to ship them. They’re a really high quality partner, and they demand excellence from anybody they have a relationship with. You earn their business every single time.”

“We’re in the process of earning their business yet again for Portal 2, and we’re very optimistic because of our close relationship. We do a lot of business on Steam. They do a lot of business with us on the distribution side.” he said.

“It’s well polished, on schedule for the 9th February release. Everything is absolutely on track for them.”

“I don’t have anything signed in blood yet. I’m certainly working on it. They’re a great partner and just a great studio. Clearly one of the best in the world. They just know what they’re doing. They know what consumers want.”

Portal 2 is set to be released on February 9 2011.

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