Elite: Dangerous Is Now Available

And now the focus is squarely on the game.

Elite: Dangerous, the other big name, pretty damn amazing looking, graphically intensive space sim headed exclusively to the PC, is now out, following a long period of crowdfunding via first- and third-party programs, and extensive cowdsourced testing via a multitude of Alphas, Betas, and Gammas(?).

The game, which has recently been under fire for a fair bit of anti consumer policies adopted by the developer in the lead up to release (including the final product being different than what was promised, and refunds not being allowed to dissatisfied customers as a result, beta tests locked behind a paywall, and trailers that are very unrepresentative of the game itself), still looks to be a pretty damn good game, and maybe this will come as a bit of a breather to the developers, taking the attention away from the policies surrounding the game, to the game itself, which looks pretty great.

Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage.

Elite: DangerousFrontier Developmentspc gaming