Epic Games are a big influence to us- People Can Fly

In our exclusive interview with People Can Fly about their upcoming FPS, Bulletstorm, Adrian Chmielarz, Creative Director of the development team said that Epic Games has been a huge influence to the team, even before they knew they would be a part of the Gears of War development team.

When we asked if the people at People Can Fly “consider Epic Games to be a big influence when it comes to the games development,” Adrian said that “Gears of War was an inspiring revelation” to him “long before [he] even had an idea that one day [they] might become a part of Epic.”

“Yes, from all possible directions,” he said. “Gears of War was an inspiring revelation to me long before we even had an idea that one day we might become a part of Epic. After that happened, we just learned a lot from the guys in North Carolina, they are obsessive about quality and are an amazing group of some of the most professional and talented people in this industry. They are very successful for a reason.”

Well, let’s hope Bulletstorm turns out to be as good as Gears, if not better.

BulletstormEpic GamesPeople Can Fly