Epic Games On Upgradeable Consoles: Giving Choice To Gamers Is A Good Thing, Paragon Will Be There

Epic, predictably, are excited at the prospect of new technology.

While a lot of people, including a lot of developers, appear to be cautious at best, and outright negative at worst, at the prospect of upgraded consoles, it appears as though Epic are pretty excited. In an interview with GamingBolt, they were asked about the prospect (in a strictly hypothetical sense, of course) of upgraded consoles- and they seemed to be pretty positive on the idea.

“I believe that anything that gives gamers value and choice is generally a good thing,” Steve Superville, Creative Director of Paragon, said. “Whatever happens in the console space, you can bet that the Unreal Engine 4 and Paragon will expand to take advantage of the hardware available.”

Of course, with the PS4 NEO now being confirmed, and the Xbox One Scorpio widely being rumored for E3 this year, it does sound like we are going to see more developers come around to these upgraded consoles as they become reality more than abstract concept. When that happens, I can’t wait to see what they do with all that extra power on their hands.

Early AccessEpic Gamesparagonpcps4