Epic’s Unreal Engine is still the leading technology for the game industry, so it’s not like they need to do much to sell anyone on it- it’s pretty much the standard. But they haven’t been sitting idle, especially in the face of renewed, fierce competition from Unity and CryEngine, and to make sure that developers and coders remain sold on Unreal, they put together a damn good sizzle reel showcasing Unreal Engine for GDC this year.
You can check it out for yourself above. It’s a well made video, which is of course something that it needs to be, given that it is selling itself as a solution to make good looking and playing games. This video, coupled with Unreal now going free, should certainly help keep Unreal in the minds of the development community.
Right now, the GDC is well underway, and GamingBolt will keep you posted on all the latest developments and news from it. Stay tuned.